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What is the Dragon and the Rose Chronicles?

The Dragon and the Rose Chronicles is a fiction book series loosely based on the combination of Mythology, Religion, Science, and Astrology that spans through past, present and future.

Through this series, Hensus, the Creator, with the assistance of the Elements of Fire, Water, and Air creates the world and the gods. With the creation of the kings of Light and Darkness, the world is thrown into a battle between these opposites. After the fall of a Captain of Light named Luke, he chooses to wait to perform his heart’s desire, which is bringing harm to humans. As Luke dwells in the world, he turns from his desire with the assistance of the gods. With an act of deception from Dreug, the King of Darkness, Luke becomes sided with him as he turns on humankind. As he becomes the greatest evil known to the world, the balance of the world falters. Haig, the King of Light, sends down the soul of the Expected One, which he calls the Rose. As she becomes of age, the Rose finds out her destiny is to face off with Luke to either kill him, or turn him back to the Light.

The information contained in this series and on the website is to open people’s mind to the concept of combining these aspects of the world, which has always caused division and conflict throughout individual’s lives and the whole world. Through studying, research, and meditation, I have come to the beliefs stated in this website. 


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Informational Pages

Based upon the phrase, that is from the New Testament Book of Matthew 12:25-26, “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” read more

Through the many myths that I research, I found a common theme. Adam and Eve weren’t the first of our species. As Science put it, there were many species before Adam and Eve. As I tried to find the connection of them, I look into the Yugas of Hinduism. This opened up a different mindset on religion and science. read more

To balance ourselves, there are multiple things you need to do. First, you must submit to a higher power other than yourself, which is reaching the stage of Pisces of your cycle. Second, you must understand the Elements that you are made of. Everyone has heard of the Elements but, just in case let’s review them. read more

Who I am is not who I wanted to be. What do I do to change myself to reach my goals? This process is based upon finding who you are now and what you want to change within yourself. read more

This symbol is a combination of multiple symbols used throughout all aspects. The breakdown with the meanings of them are as follows starting from the center. read more

Other Pages Coming Soon

Hierarchy of the Gods

Resurrection and Reincarnation-Why can’t they be combined?

Who is the Archangel Michael?