Balancing the Chakras with the Elements

To balance ourselves, there are multiple things you need to do. First, you must submit to a higher power other than yourself, which is reaching the stage of Pisces of your cycle. Second, you must understand the Elements that you are made of. Everyone has heard of the Elements but, just in case let’s review them.

  • Fire
  • Aether
  • Air
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Metal

I listed them in this order to show them as the earth is made, which coincide to how our bodies are made.

  • Fire is our head and the heavens of the earth
  • Aether is our voice box and the cosmic barrier (firmament) of the earth
  • Air is our chest and the skies of the earth
  • Earth is our diaphragm and the land on the earth
  • Water is our abdomen and the oceans of the earth
  • Metal is the base of our spine and the core of the earth

Our bodies are a symbolism of the layers of the earth. That is why Jesus said, “You are of this world but, not of this world.” If the earth becomes unbalanced, then there is destruction through tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and lightning. Same with our bodies if the Elements aren’t balanced properly. So let’s put a human trait to the Elements, then we know how to balance them.

  • Fire is your Spirituality or Connection to the universe
  • Aether is your Voice or Speech, which reflects all other elements
  • Air is your Temperament or Mixture of physical and spiritual
  • Earth is your Identity or Ego
  • Water is your Emotions or Feelings
  • Metal is your Grounding or stabilization to the earth

So through the elements, it has been determined that our body and the heavens with the earth is made according to each other. If you know what element destroys each other, then you will know how your body is affected by the elements.

  • Fire (Spiritual) and Water (Emotional)-too much spiritual will cause emotions to cease, too many emotions will cause your spiritual aspect to be put out. When those are balanced, then it creates steam or could be symbolized as the incense of the prayers of the righteousness.
  • Air (Temperament) and Water (Emotional)-too much temperament will cause emotions not to show, too many emotions will cause them to control your life. When balanced then emotions are kept in checks like the ripples on a pond as the wind blows, which is symbolized that your life will not be an emotional roller coaster with a lot of high ups and downs.
  • Air (Temperament) and Fire (Spiritual)-too much spiritual will cause your desires to be burned up in your life, too much temperament means your desires will overpower your spiritual, which makes you think you are a God. When these two are balanced, then your desires mix with your spiritual and you want to do good to others because that is who you are.
  • Fire (Spiritual) and Earth (Identity)-too much spiritual will cause your identity to form to where you think you are not important because, the plan of God is more important, too much identity in yourself will make you think you are greater than the plan of God. When these are balanced, then you know in confidence that because who you are that you are a small part in the whole plan of God.
  • Earth (Identity) and Air (Temperament)-too much identity will cause your ego to raise through the temperament like a mountain rising into the sky, too much temperament will cause your identity not to form like a wind carving out a valley in the earth. When these are balanced, it will cause you to know who you are and where you fit in the world like a flat surface that will allow everything to travel with ease.
  • Air (Temperament) and Aether (Voice)-too much temperament will cause the spiritual not to flow down to mix with your identity and emotions to where you voice your ego, too much voice will cause other people not to listen because you just continue speaking and never listening. When these are balanced, you will know when to speak and when to listen. You will let your identity and voice rest while you listen to other ideas. It is almost like when Moses was waiting for God to speak and if he continued to talk and asking God when he was going to speak to him then, Moses wouldn’t have heard the still small voice.
  • Aether (Voice) and Fire (Spiritual)-too much voice will cause you to speak about yourself, too much spiritual will cause you only to talk about spirituality. When these are balanced then, you will speak of yourself balanced with spiritual so, whomever you talk is surprised because they don’t already know what the conversation is about before you open your mouth.
  • Fire (Spiritual) and Metal (Grounding)-too much spiritual makes you walk with your nose in the air stepping on the people that you are walking all over, too much grounding to the physical makes you walk with your head down with no self-confidence and no hope for yourself. When these are balanced, then you can walk with your head straight forward, trusting in your beliefs, knowing yourself, seeing people that need help and encouraging people as you live your life. Best references I can use for this one is put the light on a hill for all to see it, which means your life will shine because you are balanced and others will see it.
  • Metal (Grounding) and Water (Emotional)-too much emotions will cause your solid grounding to waste away, too much grounding will cause your emotions to separate, which causes you not to know which is the true emotion that you should be feeling. When these are balanced, your emotions will flow freely over the grounding like washing pots and pans in water.
  • Water (Emotional) and Aether (Voice)-too much emotional will cause you to voice only your emotions, too much voice will cause you to voice things you don’t feel within yourself. When they are balanced, then you will voice your emotions to where people will want to ask to help or assist you.
  • Aether (Voice) and Metal (Grounding)-too much voice as you speak of what you think to be true concerning the world, too much grounding makes you only look to the world for answers but, you can’t put it into words. When balanced, then you will speak how the world gives answers to your life.
  • Metal (Grounding) and Air (Temperament)-too much grounding will cause your temperament to be separated to where you don’t adjust to life, too much temperament makes you refuse the way of the world. When they are balanced, then you will see the way of the world and adjust or adapt in your life.
  • Water (Emotional) and Earth (Identity)-too much emotional will wash away your identity, too much identity will suppress your emotions. When they are balanced, then you will bring life to your body like the water brings life to the earth.
  • Earth (Identity) and Metal (Grounding)-too much identity will cause you to compress the world, too much grounding will make you separate your identity to fit the world. When these are balanced, then your identity and grounding will grow together to where you form your identity with who you are in the world.
  • Earth (Identity) and Aether (Voice)-too much identity will show you as self conceded, too much voice will make people not know what you are talking about. When they are balanced, then you will speak of yourself and what made you who you are to bring others to the truth of the way of the world.

It is all based on the Chakras. You will need to balance the lower ones to balance the higher ones. The Chakras are as follows. The list from linked above is from bottom to top. Since, everything else above goes from top to bottom, here is the same list.

  • Crown Chakra – very top of your head
  • Third eye Chakra – Forehead between the eyes (Also known as Brow Chakra)
  • Throat Chakra – Throat
  • Heart Chakra – Center of chest just above the heart
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Upper Abdomen in the stomach area
  • Sacral Chakra – Lower Abdomen about two inches below the naval and two inches in
  • Root Chakra – Base of our spine in the tailbone area

As you may have noticed, there are seven Chakras but only six Elements. How does balancing the elements reflect on balancing the Chakras?

Giving the Chakras the associated Element

When you give the Chakras the associated Element, then you can learn how to balance them with the Elements

  • Crown Chakra – Fire or Spirituality
  • Throat Chakra – Aether or Voice
  • Heart Chakra – Air or Temperament
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Earth or Identity
  • Sacral Chakra – Water or Emotions
  • Root Chakra – Metal or Grounding

With that you see that they coincide with the Element but, you may say you forgot one of the Chakras, which is the Third Eye Chakra. With spirituality or Fire, there is always one more thing that rules it. It is called Perception, which is what the Third Eye Chakra is all about. What Perception do we want to give with all the other Chakras or Elements?

Third Eye Chakra (Perception)

When you see a car driving down the road, if you are in tune with your Male side you may say, “That car is red color.” But if you are in tune with your Female side, you may say, “That car is wine color.” Why is that? Why do we see the same car as a different color? It is the way we perceive it. Our bodies are male and female. Most say the right side of our body is male, and the left side is female, but our brains are wired in reverse. The right side of our body is operated by the left side of our brain and vice versa. Through the left side or male side, you get logic. Through the right side, you get imagination. Through a balance of the two, you get Perception.

If you only perceive something as logical, then you only use one side of your brain. If you perceive something as imaginative, then you only use the right side of your brain. The real insight comes when you use both, logic and imaginative. You try to find the cause and effect of all things. You try to find the real meaning to all things.

Sorry to say but these two statements are true:

  • Science is logical; finding things that you can place your hands on and process through understanding
  • Religion is imaginative; believing in things you can’t see or touch in this physical realm

When you put both together, you will never know how far logic and imagination can take you.

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