Series Overview

The series starts out with the prologue that consists of a future scene that is set in today’s time. Three people named Luke, Lily and Aza, are surrounded by an army. As the captain comes forward, she demands Luke to accept the name or die. As he realizes this is the point of his death, he finally screams out, “I accept your name!” As time stands still, he thoughts wander to his daughter Lily and the beginning of all things.

Chapter one of the first book with the creation of the world and the two realms, which are of Light and of Darkness. Throughout the chapters, it shows the creations of the gods and combinations of various myths. Finally, when Luke is created, he becomes the twelfth captain of Haig, the King of Light. When Prince is created, he feels this being is inferior to him so, he refuses to bow down as Haig commands. This action results in the exile of Luke from the realm of Light.

When Luke is exiled to the land below, he adopts Lily, which is the first wife of Prince as his daughter. Throughout their time in the land below, they want to do harm to Prince and his descendants. Hensus, the creator of all, knows of their actions and wants them to take a different path according to his plan. He configures the hierarchy to attempt to bring Luke and Lily back to their destiny of doing good for all mankind. As Hensus puts his plan into place, Luke and Lily change their mind to harm humanity. They begin to see the good in them.

Over many thousands of years, Luke and Lily assisted mankind to become who they were meant to be by the plan of Hensus. All that changed one day when Luke read a certain passage in the Bible under Isaiah. When he questioned the bishop of the church, he told him of this being called Lucifer that was also called, Satan, Devil and the Serpent. As he knew they were wrong, he questioned his daughter on the matter. She began telling him a story of a higher being that refused to bow to the first man that the knew as Prince. As she told it, he informed her that he was the one she speaks about.

After that occurrence, Luke became angry with mankind. He decided to turn his back on them as they turned their back on him. As Luke became the embodiment of all they thought him to be, he became the most powerful being in all the world. Even the other gods could not defeat him because of his power over the Earth.

Finally, the time came for the Expected One to be born. She was the one to bring back the balance by either defeating Luke or killing him. As she grew, the gods watched over her. When the time came for her, Enoch descends to teach this one that came from his line. He taught her all the secrets of the world to give her strength in knowledge. Afterward, she was taught by Dominique in the ways of battle. When she faced off with Luke, the battle didn’t go as the gods imagined but, Haig knew the outcome as it was planned. Once the instance happened, she became the Rose to confront Luke to bring back the balance of the world.

Other Pages

List of Books in the series and Progress Status

Want to learn more about the concept?

My Journey (Coming Soon)

My journey through studying and meditation to arrive with the concept of a book idea.