“House Divided Shall Not Stand”

The phrase, that is from the New Testament Book of Matthew 12:25-26, “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?”

The Pharisees were spreading that by Satan that Jesus did his miracles, which Jesus replied with the verses above. How much more power does that verse have?

We fight over the religion of who is right and who is wrong

What does it matter if your religion is right or wrong? If you believe that in your heart you chose the right one, how can anyone tell you that you are wrong? You don’t have to fight about it. You don’t have to judge other human beings because of it.

We fight within our families because your son or daughter doesn’t follow your ways of Religion

Everyone is headed to the same goal. Every person is born, and everyone dies. Between our birth and death, who are we? We all are at different stages of our path. One may find it one way while another may find it a different way. It is still the same path. If a person rejects religion, they may not be at the point of their path to accept a higher being,

We fight over where the Afterlife will lead us

Afterlife? What happens to us when we die? The only thing that is certain in Religions and Mythologies concerning the Afterlife is Judgement. Why live like the world is ending, when you can live each day as your last? Everyone knows death is coming for each and every one of us, but we don’t know when, where, or how. When we disagree and fight over what happens to us when we die, we could be building up someone to assist them on their path.

We fight over who is who in the Spiritual Hierarchy

Is there a God? How do we know there is a God? Who is God? Is there one or many Gods? Religion, Mythology, and Science all say everything came from one. If everything came from one, that being would be the Creator or who we call God. Everyone has a different name for that being because we all speak a different language. Dyeus Pater, Anu, Amun, Yahweh, Jehovah, or Allah. It is the same being.

Does it matter?

Why does all this really matter? Why fight over something we don’t understand? Why divide your house because of what you believe? The most significant quote that I have started living my life by came from Mahatma Gandhi, “My young mind tried to unify the teaching of the Gita, the Light of Asia, and the Sermon on the Mount. That renunciation was the highest form of religion appealed to me greatly.” For me, the rejection of the separation between religions is what started me on this path. Even though it has been a hard path to follow, I still continue to learn new things that can combine Religion, Mythology, Science, and Astrology together.

If we choose to not open our minds to the possibilities, we continue to tear down ourselves, others, cities, nations, and the world through division. When we open our minds, our society can advance through wisdom and healing.

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My Journey (Coming Soon)

My journey through studying and meditation to arrive with the concept of a book idea.