The Symbol and Its Meaning

This symbol is a combination of multiple symbols used throughout all aspects. The breakdown with the meanings of them are as follows starting from the center:


The Trinity Symbol

The Trinity symbol is a Celtic knot combining three ovals together but what is the meaning of it? Some say, “Things always happen in threes.” But why three? For some, the number three is a number of destruction.

  • The Elements-Fire, Air and Water-Through these three Elements, all things were created with the assistance of God. They are considered the three Mothers according to humanity. In the world, the Fire is the heavens, the Water is the Oceans and Land, and the Air is the what separates the two. In a human being, Fire is your head, Air is your Breast, and Water is your Abdomen.
  • The Spiritual Life-Hope, Belief and Knowledge-Through these you gain a perspective of who God is. First comes Hope for your life and afterlife. Next, comes Belief in a Higher Being. Then, comes the knowledge of that Higher Being that we call God.
  • The Life of a Human-Birth, Death and Afterlife-We are born and live our life. Eventually, we die to dwell in an Afterlife. What we learn through our life leads to our Afterlife. Just as a baby is born in the womb seeing his hands and feet, the baby cannot use them while they are in the womb but they must be for the next step. Just as we go through life learning all this knowledge, it must be for the next step.
  • Hierarchy of the Gods-Spiritual, Physical and Elemental-All Gods or Goddesses can be labeled as one of these three. Spiritual is the highest hierarchy, Physical is the middle and Elemental is the lowest. For example, The Creator with Hope, Peace and Love are the highest hierarchy


Six-Pointed Star

The Six-Pointed Star, otherwise know as the Star of David, is two equilateral triangles. Sometimes, they are encompassed in a circle. What is the meaning behind this symbol?

  • Elementals-Fire, Aether, Air, Wood, Earth, Water, and Metal-You may ask, “There are seven in the list but only six points, why?” The seventh is the circle around it, which is the Element of Aether. The Elements describe how the world is made. Through each of these, everything in the world was made from them as a basis.
  • Zodiac Signs-Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, and Virgo-You may ask, “There are twelve signs of the Zodiac but, where are the other six points?” Where the triangles meet each other is the other six points. If you want to divide a circle into twelve equal parts, then it is at intervals of 30 degrees. An equilateral triangle is 30 degrees at each of the points.


The Cross

Primarily used as a Christian symbol for the crucifixion of Jesus, who is called the Christ. What other meanings are there for this symbol?

  • Directions within the World-North, South, East and West-This symbol shows that all directions are under the rule of the Creator. With every direction, the Creator has created a plan that encompasses the whole world.
  • Four Elements-Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. As you watch traditions and festivals in religion, you will see that most of them use these four elements in the practice.


The Four Rulers

The Four Rulers ones that rule over the skies, water, earth, and underworld. Essentially in Greek mythology, it would be Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Hades. In other mythologies or religions, you can find similar ones.

  • The one that rules over the skies is usually leader among them.
  • The one that rules over the earth is the usually the wife of the Ruler of the Sky.


Sun and the Moon

The Sun and Moon symbolize different aspects. They are opposites. What are they?

  • Day and Night-One brings Life and the other brings Death. One brings warmth and the other brings cold.
  • Light and Darkness-The constant battle we have within ourselves. We have both within us but the choices we make proves which one we follow.
  • Emotions-Happiness or sadness. Gloom or Joy. We can go from one to the other in an instance just as the Sun rises and removes the Darkness.


Yin and Yang

Similar to the Sun and Moon, the Yin and Yang are opposites. They symbolize Light and Darkness within us. they symbolize the good and bad within us and the choices we make.


Eight Spoked Wheel

Th Eight spoked wheel is a symbol from Buddhism. It is the Noble eightfold path to becoming enlightened. Each spoke has a step within that path.

  • Right View-Our choices have consequences in this life and after death.
  • Right Intention-Renouncing material desires, Loving kindness to others and yourself, and Compassion for all.
  • Right Speech-Avoid gossiping, lying, and anger through words.
  • Right Conduct-Avoid stealing, killing, and sexual misconduct.
  • Right Livelihood-Type of work you do doesn’t harm others. Begging to feed, not possessing more than needed to sustain your life, and giving the excess.
  • Right Effort-Generating joy, energy, and thoughts while removing hate, anger, and resentment.
  • Right Mindfulness-Be conscious of what you are doing. Think before making your decisions.
  • Right Concentration-Unification of the mind or state of meditative consciousness.


Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac signs are constellations that form a band around the Earth. Each one is designated by one of the four Elements, which are Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. What is their meaning?

  • Born under one of the Signs-Some believe that if they are born under a particular sign, then their traits, emotions, and life are determined by it.
  • Stage of a person’s life-Each person has to pass through each Zodiac sign as a stage of their life. Each sign symbolized the path from Birth, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Death, and Afterlife.
  • Astrological Ages of the World-As the years pass, the Earth passes into a new astrological age, which through research averages about 2,100 years for each age. Each age tells of certain aspects the world goes through.

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