Journey through Life to Become Balanced

This process is based upon finding who you are now and what you want to change within yourself.

Death and Desires

As you determine who you want to be then you figure out death is not the end of your journey.

The first step of this process is finding the path. If your lost and lonely and you don’t know where you life is going, you are searching for the path. If you have no satisfaction with the way your life is going, then you are searching for the path. If you have no clear goals, acceptance or understanding of who you are, then you are searching for this path.

Once you find the path, you need to ask yourself, “Where to go?” “Who do I want to be?”

Set up your goals of who you want to be. Set up goals of how to get where you want to be. Ignore what the world is telling you who you are. Their perspective of who you are may not be who you want to be. Once the goals are in place, these are your desires of who you want to be.

To reach your goals, you need to accept who you are right now and give up yourself to change.

Adjusting your identity

Who you are is not who you want to be. Your goals guide you to the change of your identity and ego.

Next, look at yourself in a mirror. What do you see that you don’t like? What do you see that needs to be changed? Do you appear to be able to attain your goals? Does your goals match up to your mindset? If the things doesn’t match up, then adjust your identity to your goals.

Next part of this step is looking to your past. Everyone has done things in their past that they regret, ashamed of, or despise. Meditate on things you have done and how you treated others around you. As you look to each thing as it appears in your mind, you will have to accept it. If you did good to another person, then build on it. If you did something you are ashamed of and despise, you need to accept it and then adjust or change yourself to bring forth your new identity.

Next, your past shows you the good and the bad. The good should be able to rise while the bad you see needs to be changed. Once you do these things, your new identity is planned. Does it line up with your goals? Are your goals attainable? If not, then do you need to further adjust yourself or adjust your goals?

Then you need to look at the words you say. Do you say things that hurt or help others? Do you speak lies or truth? Do you say things that you wouldn’t say to yourself? These things will further turn you from the right path. Words are made to build up others or tear them down. If you tearing down others, you can’t build up yourself. Adjust your speech if needed.

Next, your conduct affects how others see you or how you treat others. What do your actions tell everybody else? How do you see them affecting others? Do you hurt or harm others? Do you build up others? Each action you perform affects everyone. Something you do today may affect yourself later in life. If you can’t build up others while you reach your goals, is it worth stepping on others along the way? Adjust your actions if needed.

Your new identity

Change is good as you become who you wanted to be.

Now, you project an identity or ego of who you are as you wanted to be. As you greet others with words that build them up and actions that change their lives for the better, you began to show your light to others. Your life begins to change to a positive outlook as you accept things you can’t change. Others see you differently as your morals, life, and ego show the person you wanted others to see in you.

You will have benefits of your new identity as you assist others by building them up, giving within your means, and guiding them as they share in your path.


How do you see others and how do they see you?

As you started looking at the world through your eyes, you begin to notice what others may need. Do they need built up? Do they need understanding of a situation? Do they need help, love, or a little bit of input? Everyone needs things, but we need to sustain our own life. We give of the excess of our extra that we have.

The hardest thing in our busy world to give to anyone else is time. They may need a second to talk, but you are too busy. We have all been given a chance to talk or comfort someone. When we don’t take that chance, it weighs heavy on your shoulders. No one is guaranteed another minute or tomorrow to take the time for someone.

Second, look at how others see you. If your good traits show in their eyes, then build on it. If your bad traits show forth, then maybe you faltered in your goals of who you wanted to be.

Combining these two perceptions, allow us to make the world into a better place as we see their perspective and their need. This allows us to give rise to wholesome traits as we prevent the hindering of another’s journey.


Equal distribution of the Physical and Spiritual, Good and Evil, Male and Female, and the Yin and Yang.

The balance of your identity or ego is a way to keep yourself in check so that you don’t stray from your morals or goals. As you changed your identity and your goals to be who you wanted to be, you followed the path to become balanced.

Balance isn’t the last step. It is the rest of the journey. Through each thing you changed, you have to make sure you don’t fall back into it. If you do, then your balance is affected and needs to be fixed.

Through perception, balance keeps you from making sure you aren’t too selfish or selfless. If you want to give, then give. If you are not sure if you are to give, don’t feel pressured into giving. By giving at that time, you will form regret throughout your mind and body; and offset your balance.

With your actions, balance keeps you mindful of what you are doing and when you are about to do something wrong to another person. If you know you are about to do wrong, your mind and body will tell you. If you don’t listen, then you will offset your balance.

So, what happens if you weren’t mindful of your actions, said the wrong thing, or gave more than you had? Through all things that are bad, punishment does follow. Either your mind and body will punish yourself or others will punish you. You will have to accept what happened, because you can’t change it or take it back. Afterward, there may be repercussions from your actions or speech.

If you said something wrong, your mouth already spoke those words. After you accept that you said it, you can apologize to that person, but the damage is already done. In their mind, they already made their assumption of who you are.

If you gave too much time or anything, your mind already is affected by it. You can’t get it back, because it is already gone. If you try to get it back, then you will fail every time.

If you did something that you weren’t proud of, you are already beating yourself up over it. Accept it and be mindful of the things you do so, next time you will listen to yourself.

In all things you must forgive yourself, before anyone can forgive you.

Time to Shine

Balance brings about the Light

As you keep yourself in check, others will see a change within you on how you live your life. Once you reach the balance of yourself, you have to stay there. Afterward, your light will shine to where everyone can see it. You will be satisfied with who you are. You will be joyful that you reached your goals. Through unification, the light will connect your mind to the spiritual and physical world. You will see the world in a different way so that you can heal it to be a better place for all of us.

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My Journey (Coming Soon)

My journey through studying and meditation to arrive with the concept of a book idea.